Greece is expected to seek more international help, even though years of government borrowing led to the crisis. 尽管由于政府长期借款导致了这次危机,希腊还是希望能够获得更多的国际援助。
The alternative view is that so-called imbalances are the natural outcome of international borrowing and lending. 另一种观点认为,所谓失衡,是国际间借贷行为的自然产物。
Yet from 1999 Russian banks and companies increased their international borrowing by$ 460bn. 但自1999年以来,俄罗斯银行和企业的国际借贷也增长了4600亿美元。
Decisionmakers came to agree that the trade deficit would only fall significantly if the federal deficit and, thus, the need for international borrowing, were reduced. 这些决策人认为假如联邦预算赤字减少,从而减少外债的话,外贸逆差就会大幅度下降。
Central and eastern Europe is under the greatest strain, having binged on international borrowing in recent years. 欧洲中东部地区最近几年国际举债最多,现在所面临的情况也最严重。
According to this international definition, apart from borrowing from abroad, ED of Hong Kong would arise through normal trading and banking businesses. 根据这国际定义,除了向非居民借贷外,香港的对外债务也可透过一般的贸易及银行业务而产生。
When international borrowing seized up last month, the region found itself stuck in its own credit crunch. 而当国际资金拆借市场上月出现冻结时,海湾地区发现自己也陷入了信贷危机。
UBS has suspended some of its most senior traders in connection with an international probe into the possible manipulation of interbank borrowing rates, in the latest controversy to hit the bank since the financial crisis. 瑞银(UBS)对一些最资深的交易员采取了停职措施,因一项针对可能存在的操纵银行间贷款利率行为的国际调查与他们相关。此事是金融危机爆发以来打击瑞银的最新争议。
With floundering international trade negotiations, inadequate old-style official aid and a lack of private investment, their temptation to binge on borrowing has returned. 由于国际贸易谈判陷入僵局,老式的官方援助不够充分,加之私人投资匮乏,这些国家又开始受到大肆举债的诱惑。
The company shall implement double entry ( debit entry and credit entry) and accrual basis in Accounting. Implementation of Decision Support System in International Borrowing in Loans Based on Data Mining 公司采用国际通用的权责发生制和借贷记帐法记帐。基于数据挖掘的借用国际信贷决策支持系统的实现
Russia, which most recently issued a bond aimed at international investors in 2000, last week signalled plans to raise up to$ 18bn in dollar-denominated securities in the first quarter of next year as the cost of borrowing for emerging market sovereign issuers fell sharply. 俄罗斯上一次面向国际投资者发债,还是在2000年。上周俄罗斯表示,由于新兴市场主权债券发行成本大幅降低,该国计划在明年第一季度发行美元计价债券,筹集至多180亿美元的资金。
Owing to the "dual sensitivity", the International Labor NGO has to get the local governments'trust through" borrowing "strategy and" hidden "strategy. 国际劳工NGO的“双重敏感性”,使其通过“借”、“隐”策略来换取地方政府的信任。
Narrowly speaking, international loans only refer to money borrowing and lending between debit and credit sides from different countries. 狭义上的国际借贷指国际贷款,即处于不同国家的债权人和债务人之间的货币借贷活动。
As an international language, English has enriched its heritage by borrowing words from various languages. 作为国际通行语言,英语不排斥任何一种语言的渗透,它通过从各种语言中借用词汇来丰富它所继承的东西。
Financing in the international market to borrow funds in one currency, and repayment of funds is another source of currency exchange rate between two currencies may lead to changes in borrowing costs. 在国际市场融资中借入资金是一种货币,而还款来源资金是另一种货币,两种货币间汇率的变化可能导致借贷成本增加。
With international forestry compared taxes and ecological taxation, borrowing the experience. 与国际上林业税费和生态税收相比较,借鉴国际实践经验。
Project financing is the last century, 70 years after the introduction of international financial markets, a new type of borrowing. 项目融资是上个世纪70年代以后国际金融市场上推出的一种新型借贷方式。